As much as I like the idea of blacklisting the RIAA (and think it's probably a good thing to do on principle), I don't believe that it will actually help. The RIAA, itself, doesn't use the net for revenew, or, really, much of anything.
Why stop with just the RIAA? If they truly represent their members then null route their subnets too. Just think of the healthy drop in spam you'll get coming from
Think of the drop in customers you'll get when they can't access Disney, Sony, Paramount or any other media company.
Engage dripping sarcasm mode: Actually, if all those media companys are correct and all the customers are a bunch of P2P content stealers then they won't even NOTICE when Disney, Sony, Paramount and others are unreachable because they are too busy swapping hot media to look at the content provider's sites! Disengage dripping sarcasm mode. -Rob