Subject: Re: NAP/ISP Saturation WAS: Re: Exchanges that matter... To: (dave o'leary) Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 16:00:09 -0500 (EST) Cc:,,, joe@Navigist.Com, From: (Dima Volodin)
More of that - at least one site uses one of our hosts as a target of pings for measuring "Internet health". We consider this to be an abuse of our resources
How many ping per second do you see? How many pings per second can your host handle? Your network?
and, most probably, we will disable any external traffic we find inappropriate for this or other hosts.
So, do I understand you correctly as saying that you have no interest in helping your customers understand the state of your service? -tjs "Those darn customers, things would work just fine, if they didn't keep using the network..."