thank you for your research into this on our behalf and the steer to
the right things.
Yes, these two ip address ranges are erics, and if anything he´s more
allergic to paperwork than I am.
On Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 11:03 AM William Herrin <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 8:03 AM Dave Taht <> wrote:
> >
> This is registered to Thyrsus Enterprises via ARIN, managed by an Eric
> Raymond of Pennsylvania. Refer to
> If your friend happens to be Eric Raymond, his best bet is to simply
> leave it alone as a legacy address under his control rather than try
> to prove himself the legal successor in interest to Thyrsus
> Enterprises. As long as there is no current Thyrsus Enterprises, and
> as the guy on the whois, he'll be able to submit an LOA to an ISP and
> get them to accept the route.
Cool. That seems way simpler than the other alternatives running though my head.
> If your friend isn't Eric Raymond or Thyrsus Enterprises still exists
> and is someone else... you're done. Save yourself some grief and just
> go to an address broker. Let them help you through the process of
> getting addresses.
> >
> This is registered to Chester County Freenet care of Chester County
> Hospital. Refer to
> Raymond again controls it, but since he's neither the Freenet nor the
> hospital you're going to run into trouble getting it routed let alone
> getting ARIN to recognize you as the legal successor in interest.
I do not know the history here, I will ask.
> > the whole /22 was obtained to support the (long since deceased)
> > chester county freenet, but he has no record of that. Neither does
> > anyone else.
> Those would form a /22 with 240 and 241. Both are registered to other
> people. Unclear why you thought otherwise. If you were thinking 244
> and 245 (which do not form a /22 with 242 and 243), I'm sorry to tell
> you that they're also registered to someone else.
OK, good to know, that you for straightening this out a bit.
> > I presently have one vote for ARIN and another for RIPE. We are us
> > based, but more of the folk using libreqos are located elsewhere.
> The addresses are registered at ARIN. Until ARIN recognizes your
> friend as the registrant organization, they will remain so. At which
> point there's not a lot of benefit to moving them.
> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
> --
> William Herrin
Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos