On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Vadim Antonov wrote:
ddivinia@broadcast.com (Darin Divinia) wrote:
Caching doesn't work for live content.
Why? (And what is "live content"? You mean interactive? Or "live" TV coverage?)
Conceptually, is it that much more effort for a server/router/device to store a local copy of a packet as it passes through the server/router/device than it is to simply forward said packet? Admittedly, the client to cache interaction is somewhat more complicated but would seem to be addressable using (mostly) existing technology. Would "Live" content be incredibly hampered by a 500 ms (or less) delay so that the cache could receive the data and distribute it to the appropriate users locally? Maybe I am just not smart enough to understand your (Darin) point about caching not working, but I just don't see what the huge obstacle is.. Tim ============================================================= | Timothy M. Wolfe | Wireless Internet = Get Some | | Chief Network Engineer | 1.800.338.2629 tim@clipper.net | | ClipperNet Corporation | http://www.clipper.net/services/ | =============================================================