My last on the topic--maybe even the list. I take the responsibilty for a number of things, depending on the topic of the discussion. In the case of email conversations, particularly email converations on mailing lists, I think there are responsibilites on the author to: Delete all the baggage that has accumulated that is not relevant to the instant message, like the addresses in excess of the intended recipent or recipient-list, like the material that is not the object of the current comments, like the collection of cute .sig things that were not separated by a proper separator or not dropped by a proper mailer. (And it happens that I am reduced to using Netscape as a mailer, and to the best of my ability I have not found a way to add not-required headers to the messages.) But I'm big on "responsibility" and I understand that I am pretty close to alone here on that. -- Requiescas in pace o email Ex turpi causa non oritur actio