I all ready tried.... response I got was "Ohh, home.nl, that's a different company completly. So it's not out problem" Me: "Well, can I get the phone number?" Them: "Uhhh, I don't have it... Sorry" Quoting Mr. M <mistrM@socal.rr.com>:
Does anyone happen to have a contact number for home.nl's noc? I need to speak with someone there ASAP about a incident that just occured.
The @home cable network. Why am I not surprised?
Anyway, if you can find a number for the one in .nl call their US noc for home.com I'm sure they can get somone that speaks English on the phone for you.
-- Scott Walker scott@unspeakable.org Cell 954.444.3408 http://www.unspeakable.org Network/Security Administrator Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.