"Supposedly"/"Allegedly"/"Theoretically", rumor mill has it that a worm exploit of sorts has been published. My Russian is so so, not good enough to make sense it a majority of what was posted. A translation made me want to yank my hair out. // CLIP On September, 19th, 2005 19th September in ? the expert in the field of safety Andrey Vladimirovym (? dr_nicodimus), known as the co-author of the book " Wi-Foo: The Secrets of Wireless Hacking ", the information on the termination of " brain storm ", directed on operation ? in the software of products of company Cisco has been published. As a result of research in Cisco IOS and methods of a writing exploit and shellcode methods of introduction of a code have been developed for this platform. Mechanisms of realization ................... a worm for IOS are developed." // END CLIP Someone set us up the bomb! Translations are horrible. Further down the road in this article, someone points to "Cisco Games" from an ezine. So here is that copy with no silly little uploader javafoofoofoo scripting bs. www.infiltrated.net/cisco/ciscogames.html =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ J. Oquendo GPG Key ID 0x97B43D89 http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x97B43D89 "Just one more time for the sake of sanity tell me why explain the gravity that drove you to this..." Assemblage