Just dig up a destructive bug for old macs and mail it to him. Better yet, he lives about 10 minutes from me... why don't I just go over and unplug him... ;) On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Declan McCullagh wrote:
Bob Allisat is, I'm sorry to say, a well-known Net-kook. I remember him infesting a bunch of Usenet newsgroups. Now that he appears to be on nanog, the best strategy might be to ignore him.
At 07:19 -0800 11/25/97, Tom Glover wrote:
Oh, Christ. Not again. This never ending argument about BIND doesn't have any place on NANOG. Please take it somewhere else.
On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Bob Allisat wrote:
Hmmm... A question we may be asking about you, your BIND monopoly and the way you've been a co-conspirator in all these monopoly moves. Seems like Paulie doesn't want anyone in his sandbox. Can Paulie spell "anti-trust"?
------------------------- Declan McCullagh Time Inc. The Netly News Network Washington Correspondent http://netlynews.com/