Is your aim to generate attack traffic? Or rather a mix of normal and attack traffic. That's one part. Googling ddos simulator will get you lots of results you can evaluate Logging it appropriately and capturing the logs, storing them in a db is the next. --srs
On 11-Jun-2016, at 10:52 AM, subashini hariharan <> wrote:
I am Subashini, a graduate student. I am interested in doing my project in Network Security. I have a doubt related to it.
The aim is to detect DoS/DDoS attacks using the application. I am going to use ELK (ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibanna) for processing the logs (Log Analytics).
My doubt is regarding how do we generate logs for detecting this attack? As I am new to this process, I am not sure about it.
Also, if it is possible to do any other attacks similar to this, you can please give a hint about it.
Could anyone please help with this, it would be a great help!!
-- Thank You.
With Regards, H.Subashini