On Wed, 4 Dec 2013, Owen DeLong wrote:
significantly worse policies than wireline providers. Wireless bandwidth is rapidly approaching parity with wired bandwidth pricing at consumer levels.
Have you seen the cost of an LTE base station including install and monthly fees? If you did, you wouldn't make that claim. If you want to deliver not even close to speed parity to fiber, you need multiple base stations per city block. This is extremely cost prohivitive, especially since you need fiber to the base stations anyway. Btw, if I could convince everybody in my building to pay 400 USD install for fiber, I could get 100/100 Internet conenctivity for USD10 per month. There just isn't any way in the world this is doable with wireless. Don't make the mistake of comparing the dysfunctional US market pricing levels with what is actually doable in a working market. -- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se