Dear Colleague, The Organizing Committee of the 2017 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP - / seeks for acknowledged specialists to participate in the review process and support the TSP community with the evaluation of 2 or 3 manuscripts. To appreciate this effort, we are glad to offer to reviewers an authorization for reduced conference registration fee. The TSP 2017 Conference will be held during July 5-7, 2017, in Barcelona, Spain and it is organized in cooperation with the IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa), IEEE Spain Section, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section SP/CAS/COM Joint Chapter, and IEEE Croatia Section Communications Chapter by sixteen universities from Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, Taiwan, Japan, Slovak Republic, Spain, Bulgaria, France, Slovenia, Croatia, and Poland for academics, researchers, and developers and it serves as a premier annual international forum to promote the exchange of the latest advances in telecommunication technology and signal processing. To register yourself, please visit the website and enter the "*tsp17rev*" password into the "*Sign Up — Keycode:*" field and click on "*Enter*" button. In addition to *selection of maximum 3 Topic Areas*, please *enter to "Keywords"*field *at least 7 semi comma (;) separated specific keywords *from the field of your expertise in order to ensure proper manuscript assignment. The manuscript assignment process will be launched in the second half of March 2017 and you will be informed by automatic email notification. Thank you in advance for your collaboration. With best regards, Norbert Herencsar and Marcos Faundez-Zanuy TSP 2017 General Co-Chairs Web: E-mail: <> Follow us on: - Facebook - Twitter =============================================================== doc. Ing. Norbert Herencsar, Ph.D., IEEE Senior Member - IEEE Czechoslovakia Section SP/CAS/COM Joint Chapter Chair Department of Telecommunications Brno University of Technology Brno, Czech Republic & Prof. Dr. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy - Dean Escola Universitaria Politecnica de Mataro, Tecnocampus Mataro, Spain --------------------End of Message--------------------