On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 04:05:56PM -0800, william@elan.net wrote:
I'm seeing the following in RouteViews (possibly since they started getting data from paix):
route-views.oregon-ix.net>sh ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 19579757 Paths: (2 available, best #2, table Default-IP-Routing-Table) Not advertised to any peer 6939 6461 from (216.2t8.252.152) Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external 6939 6461 from ( Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external, best
Is this routeviews own set default or some other default route improperly appearing in there (weren't routeviews filters supposed to filter out this kind of all-net advertisements)?
Nope to the former. Someone (6461) is advertising it. We haven't traditionally filtered what we receive from our peers. Note also that route views does not use routes from the peers for forwarding traffic. Dave