On 18 May 2017 at 16:21, Erik Sundberg <ESundberg@nitelusa.com> wrote: Hey,
We're at the growing point where we need a dedicated P router for a core device. We are taking a serious look at the NCS5501. Is there anyone else using a NCS5501 as P Router or just general feedback on the NCS5501 if you are using it?
The big downside is it's only has a single processor
P would be the position I'd be most comfortable with NCS5501. Particularly BGP free core and Internet-in-VRF. Single control-plane does not seem problematic, usually design should allow any single core node to be taken out of service without customer impact. Please talk to your account team about roadmap, what features are coming in which release in next 3 years. And ask them what are their plans with this IP http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/corporate-strategy-office/acquisitions/le... -- ++ytti