On 9/Jul/15 18:53, Matthew Huff wrote:
If an ISP wants to give out a /48, great for them. If they want to give out only a /56, I say that's fine. What's more important to me is that they implement IPv6. Arguing about prefix size and SLAAC vs DHCP rather than just go ahead and implement things, to me is just silly. When IP was first deployed, we didn't have DHCP (bootp was still in it's infancy), no mDNS, etc...Lots of things grew up after the fact. I agree that we can't foresee what will happen in the future, but that to me just proves my point. Worrying about the ability to create complex topologies in home networks that may or may not ever be needed or wanted just seems absurd to me.
I tend to agree. Let's just go out and do it and choose from what others are doing. Some are doing /48, others are doing /56. Some are doing /64, even though we all know that is not very good for obvious reasons, but... ... let's just get going. Mark.