On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 10:35:38 GMT, Michael.Dillon@radianz.com said:
and such things may also be possible with MPLS. But are any of the researchers seriously looking at how to provide a network in which all packets flow through two diverse paths to provide better reliability?
There's enough banana-eaters that can't get their heads wrapped around the way BGP does things. How many "I have a routing issue" postings are we going to see with a protocol that splits up packet streams? I'm going to assert that *in the aggregate*, network optimality is higher when there's only one path, because when it dies it gets fixed. If you have two paths, and one is lossy/congested/etc, the resulting jitter and retransmits will (a) make things worse and (b) be too much for the banana eaters. Yes, we can probably make something "better" than BGP. But will we be able to understand it?