On 13/06/05, Sanfilippo, Ted <Ted.Sanfilippo@paetec.com> wrote:
Also, I ran into a problem with a new /16 block we received from ARIN. The IP-Country info points to Canada which is not accurate. We are a US based company. I had placed a request into Geobyte to make the change to US, I am still waiting. Does anyone know if there is a central database that these companies pull from to gather country info? If its ARIN, it should have been corrected.
Sorry if I seem dense but how or where does geobyte come into the picture at all when you receive an IP block from ARIN. If the contact information for that /16 has an error in it, then ARIN has a fairly well documented procedure to change contact information for a netblock and you can follow it. Geobytes seems to use ARIN data along with what is basically wild guessing to find where an IP is located. If they make a wrong guess - its an issue thats localized to them. -- Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.lists@gmail.com)