While on a MPLS related TAC case recently, I was speaking to an engineer who helped vet portions of Cisco Press' MPLS Fundamentals (http://www.ciscopress.com/bookstore/product.asp?isbn=1587051974). He said it's one of the best he's come across, but there may perhaps be some bias there ;) Not knowing any better, I picked it up and I'm learning quite a bit. It's also seems to be a great reference manual to keep around too. The Kindle version is handy for quick reference from mobile devices too. On 2010-12-23, at 5:49 PM, Michael Helmeste wrote:
Does anyone have a favorite book or resource discussing MPLS and all associated Lego blocks (e.g. LDP, TE, VPLS, martini, mBGP et. al.)?
I understand the basics of what MPLS is and how you create a circuit from A to B but I'm afraid it still escapes me when trying to figure out how someone would, say, create a multicast capable VPN with 5 edge points.
Any pointers to a good way to reduce my level of ignorance on this subject would be appreciated. Vendor literature doesn't bother me as long as the concepts are there.
Regards, Michael H.