Marc Hurst wrote:
There is no place for this rabble in Nanog or Iwar!!!!
Capeche? Do I have to come to your house at 2 am and kill your powerlines?
Jeff Willaims replied:
Is this a threat MR. Hurst. If so, or and implied threat, I believe that the Justice department would be intrested in this E-Mail. After sending this reply to you I shall do my civic duty and forward this onto them and the FBI for further review, along with my reply here.
Better make that the RCMP Jeffer. And *Toronto* Hydro. See we here is in Canada. Ontario. Toronto. And if Mister Hurst shimmies up a pole with some wire clippers these folks (not the FBI) should know about it. And while you're at it call 9-1-1... because poor old Marc will probably come off his cable cutting caper crisped com cringles. See we just upgraded the building to 200 amp service. As in Bzzzzz_arrrrgh_ZAaaaaPP! BTW: when the authorities leap out of the bushes tonight to arrest the electrocuted Marc Hurst it will be highly important what day it is... US Thanksgiving. As in baked. As in Turkeys. See Eugene had his Halloween. It's only appropriate that Marc have his (gobble-gobble) T-giving. Bring on the Pilgrums, Pilgrum! Pass the cranberry sauce my little cranberry! Except for it will be day after. And that means leftovers! Mmmm! Yum! A Vegetarians dream! The picked over carcass of a very dead bird.... yuk! (Bob in humour mode. Okay. I'll lighten up. Just stop already, okay? Lets's all just drop it for the time being shall we?) TeleVirtually Yours, Bob Allisat Director, World TeleVirtual Network PO Box 191 St E Toronto Canada M6H 4E2 (416) 534-1999