On Jul 16, 2023, at 3:33 PM, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote: … and see if we can round off the rough edges where they got caught. To that end, the “IPv6 fee waiver” text on the fee schedule has been expanded to more fully explain its operation. From <https://www.arin.net/resources/fees/fee_schedule/> – *There is a temporary IPv6 fee waiver for organizations in the 3X-Small service category allowing for more IPv6 resources than normal while still remaining in the 3X-Small service category and paying only the 3X-Small service category fee. A 3X-Small organization may receive registry services for up to a /36 of total IPv6 space and remain in the 3X-Small service category rather than being charged the 2X-Small service category fee. This waiver will expire 31 December 2026. The terminology “fee waiver” is acknowledged as less than ideal, but has been retained for consistency as there’s extensive historical references to it in this manner – it is hoped that the more extensive explanation will suffice to clarify any confusion in how it is actually handled. Thanks, /John John Curran President and CEO American Registry for Internet Numbers