A response doesn't mean the ISP doesn't also investigate. Reasonable proof is reasonable proof. The logs are a good start, but, the ISP should review his own logs, and, check the currently active traffic patterns too. If there isn't any evidence, the ISP shouldn't shut the customer down. If the ISP can see continuing abuse, the ISP should shut the customer down. That's not unreasonable. That's what I'm asking fore, and, what I understood Adi to be asking for in this case. Owen --On Sunday, June 13, 2004 6:34 PM -0400 Geoincidents <geoincidents@nls.net> wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Adi Linden" <adil@adis.on.ca>
if I send an ISP reasonable proof that a broadband customer hits my mailserver with thousands of emails an hour I should be able to expect an immediate response. Not hours, days or weeks, minutes and the originating account should be shut down.
Great, next time you get shut down mid auction because the ISP trusts the log file I send him, remember you asked for it.
-- If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.