On Sat, 31 May 2008 17:59:40 -0400 Jean-François Mezei <jfmezei@vaxination.ca> wrote:
I would like any pointers to good documents that outline what sort of packet modifications are allowed (in terms of Internet culture/policies) by networks.
For a transit network (neither sending or destination IPs belong to the network)
For the sending network (originating IP belongs to that network)
For the destination network (destination IP belongs to that network).
Obviously, every router will change/decrement the TTL (and recalculate the header checksum) in the IP header. Are there other fields that are routinely changed at every hop ?
Assorted IP options carry network state: Record Route, Loose and Strict Source Route, Timestamp -- see RFC 791. I wouldn't say "routinely", but it is in the spec. I forget the status of the flow label for IPv6.
Would it also be correct to state that any network along the way would have the right to fragment a packet in two or more pieces ? Or would that only be the destination network needing to fragment a packet to fit the last mile (PPP dialup or PPPoE ) in cases where MTU negotiations failed ?
Note that in-flight fragmentation is only permitted for certain packets: one without DF set for IPv4; ones with a fragmentation header for IPv6.
Are there sacred rules documented anywhere about not modifying anything else in the packets during transit ? Or has there never been any formal documentation on this because it was so obvious nobody was allowed to modify packets in transit ?
Only the end-to-end principle... I sometimes see suggestions that routers should be able to add IP options or v6 extension headers. These are known as bad ideas. --Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb