On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 02:42:27 -0700, Rens <rens@autempspourmoi.be> wrote:
Could anybody recommend any hardware that can build a VPN that works well over satellite connections? (TCP enhancements)
I'd try splitting the solution into two devices: at the lower layer, the tunneling part, which can be done with any traditional transport-layer VPN solution; at the higher layer (prior to encryption), the TCP enhancement part, for which, I'd look for dedicated and specialized multipoint WAN optimization devices.
I want to setup a L3 VPN between 2 satellite connections
That's brave! I'd check with the satellite provider if they are able to forward your frames directly from VSAT to VSAT without going through the hub, and, if multiple satellites are used, if they can route between satellites. Most don't. Those two above are NOT easy to do. They will most probably make your packets "double-hop", so your latency will be about 1.4 seconds. -- Octavio.