|> From: Barney Wolff [mailto:barney@databus.com] |> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 1:39 PM |> In the long run Islam will have to purge itself of its |> Crusaders, just |> as other religions largely have. The war is not against Islam but |> against a set of murderous fanatics, and it would be foolish indeed |> NOT to hate them. It would be foolish to hate them. Hate clouds the judgement. Measured deadly force will be sufficient. No more and no less. We are capable of a great deal of precision these days. Sloppyness shouldn't be tolerated. Contrary to randy's statement, our society has become increasingly more effective against terrorists and guerrillas. Sadly, it is because more and more of our planet is now inhabited. Where one used to be able to hide a 100,000 man army, one can no longer hide a lit match, without some satellite finding it or some wanker complaining about it to the local constabulary. Both terrorists and guerillas depend on being able to hide. That is increasingly more difficult, ask the Columbian drug cartels.