On 4/16/21 16:11, Graham Johnston wrote:
I do believe that I understand the intended purpose of BGP graceful-restart. With that said, I was watching a video of a talk given by someone respected in the industry the other day on the use of graceful-shutdown and at the beginning of the talk there was a quick disclaimer that his topic had nothing to do with graceful-restart along with some text on the slide that provided me a clear indication that he was not a fan of graceful-restart.
Largely, I suspect that his point was that if you otherwise do the right things during maintenance that graceful-restart has the potential of being really problematic if things go wrong, and thus he was discouraging the use of it. Is there consensus as to whether graceful-restart has any place in a service provider network?
When the majority of the hardware we had had a single control plane, we used GR on those (and only inside our AS). But as nearly 100% of all our BGP-speaking hardware now has dual control planes, we just go for the vendor's NSR implementation. We've found that to be a lot more reliable because it is locally significant, predictable, and generally works well as it has matured a great deal in the last decade. Mark.