On Tuesday, 22 December, 2020 22:42, Wayne Bouchard wrote:
On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 02:58:32PM +1000, Robert Brockway wrote:
On Thu, 17 Dec 2020, Tom Beecher wrote:
If the last 50 years has shown us anything it is that humans and computers working together can achieve far more than either in isolation.
And if the last 15 years has shown us anything, it is that when you can't get past the auto-attendant and talk to a real human, and if that person can't talk to you like a person instead of reading scripts at you, your stress levels go way up as does your desire to break things. Automation in customer service (or excessive emphasis on procedures) is a really nice way of taking a five minute problem and turning it into an hour long ordeal.
The correct term of art for these humans that execute "scripts" when answering inquiries is "flapper". Often there are multiple layers of "flapper" before one can communicate with someone who has any clue what they (or you) are speaking about. This is deliberate in an attempt to cull the wheat from the chaff of the support calls because 99.9999999% of callers are "chaff" and do not have a problem that is worthy of attention by someone who knows what they are doing. Many organizations which employ "flappers" have "flapper bypass systems" in place in which there are either "magical incantations" or perhaps an entry in the CRM system that identifies the probability that a caller is "wheat" vs "chaff" so that the multi-level flapper system can be bypassed. There are even a few organizations which do not employ flappers at all -- though they are few and far between. If an organization does not have a functional "flapper bypass system" then usually the most effective system to bypass multiple layers of flappers is what is called the "shit principle". The "shit principle" states that shit works best when flowing downhill and therefore the most effective "flapper bypass" is to direct the problem to the higest level executive in the organization with the least probability of being able to address the issue. That person will simply direct an under-thing to "take care of this and have them stop bothering me" which will result in you immediately having the issue resolved by a competent individual. Organizations without other functional "flapper bypass" procedures usually have a huge organization dedicated to addressing issues raised through the "shit principle" since this is, in reality, their chosen "flapper bypass" system. -- Be decisive. Make a decision, right or wrong. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who could not make a decision.