I will not go into a point by point rebuttal here, even though I generally do not subscribe to your arguments. I am not planning on "winning" here, I just want to get the issues on the table and evaluate the solution space. Just let me ask you, as a customer who fairly frequently experiences 10% packet loss between major Internet locations across major service providers (no mom and pop shops in the middle or at the end points), how would you suggest I deal with that? My complaints to the involved service providers have typically gotten unanswered by the national service provider, and saying "we can't do anything about it except letting our national service provider know" by my regional service provider. There is no quality control at the inter-ISP level. I want to see that fixed. I don't care how, I do know that the current situation is intolerable. I believe that this is prime NANOG (and IEPG) business. NSF and the feds are out, with the NSFNET backbone dismantling, and the kitchen you asked for to cook (ahem!) in is all yours to get your tailfeathers burned in all by yourself.