If T.J. Rogers was dead, he'd be spinning in his grave right now.
If you want something done efficiently, you want it run by people who are damn well hungry for money, not by appointed councils.
In most economic systems I would agree with you. I do heartily believe in supply and demand. However, I believe that rationing and hoarding cause exceptions to this law of economics. My capitalism knows few bounds, but when it comes to IP numbers, the only way I want money to be directly tied to them is if I'm the one with the control ;). I very much like Vixie's idea of a committee to allow or disallow appropriation of IP numbers. I do not like the idea of selling the numbers to people. MIDnet and other ISPs should earn their IP blocks by describing what they intend to do with them, and how they intend to implement them efficiently. This should not be a money issue, as the supply is (relatively) small, and the ownership starts upon assignment. -- Alan Hannan (402) 472-0241 MIDnet Inc. ------------------------------\ fax (402) 472-0240 A Global Internet Company " All perception of truth is \_________________________ the detection of an analogy " -- Henry David Thoreau \____________________