Note the expression "-background- in Mathematics". While Einstein -later- graduated from SFP, please realize that that Einstein had problems in School... "Wild Duck" comes to mind, but the end result was that he then later -Taught Himself- Calculus and -then- Boot strapped himself into his future career. I still stand on the point. BTW, Benet had a degree or two, as well... As does Vixie, now .... and Stallman. But the Wild Ducks often "catch a wave" before age 33... and may or may not have time for niceties. Degrees often seem to come later....post mortem, when they have more time, get a little older, and things settle down. And, more often than not, are awarded honorary degrees for the result of their work while riding the wave. Like I said -lead- the pack. <LURK> Is the above meta tag broken, or what ? Robert Beverly wrote:
On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 11:17:11AM -0500, Richard Irving wrote:
Einstein wouldn't have made it anywhere, without his background in Mathematics that he got from a Prominent Ivy League...
Oh...... Shoot, did it again.
Have you ever heard the expression "Flat World Thinking" ?
Einstein was a Hero to many a Kid, -because- he was self taught.
Einstein graduated from the prestigious Swiss Federal Polytechnic college in Zurich. His work on relativity was done afterward, at the Swiss Patent office, while folks at Harvard were still searching the Ether.
A college degree is certainly not a prerequisite for intelligence, but can often provide inspiration, even if that takes the form of a dissatisfaction with the prevailing thinking.