Do you plan on getting full BGP routes from your upstream? If so, go with 1Gb of ram on the NPE G1. I believe that IOS 12.4.25c is the latest version for the 7200VXR series. It's stable, been running it for quite some time. Depending on what you will be doing with this router, will depend on what feature set you'll want. I typically use the Service Provider IOS with IPSEC, 3DES and Lawful Intercept. On 7/3/2010 7:51 PM, Alan Bryant wrote:
Ok, scenario time.
I've found a 7206VXR\NPE-G1 w/ 256MB RAM.
It has the 3 onboard GigE ports and a PA-POS-1OC3 card in it that should be fine for our OC-3 connection.
We need a total of 5 Ethernet ports, not necessarily all GigE. I found this card, PA-2FE-TX that would give us 2 10/100 ports. Everything that I have seen says this should work with the above router. Can anyone confirm this for me?
We plan on doing BGP on the WAN side and BGP or OSPF on the LAN side. I'm assuming that I will need to upgrade the RAM on this router. Would I need to upgrade it all the way to the 1GB that it can take? From what i can tell it is not that expensive for the RAM, so we might as well.
Will the following IOS version allow us to do all of the above? Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-IS-M), Version 12.4(12), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
I'm finding it difficult to figure out the IOS versions and what is compatible from Cisco's website. Is this the highest IOS that this router can run?
Thank you all for all the incredible help. Hopefully I will be able to repay the community at some point.
On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 7:25 PM, Seth Mattinen<> wrote:
On 7/3/2010 17:12, Majdi S. Abbas wrote:
On Sat, Jul 03, 2010 at 07:32:48PM -0400, Scott Berkman wrote:
I really wouldn't use the word legacy to describe SONET and OC-3's.
It's around 25 years old (work started in 1985, first standards published in 1988) and we now have a ratified 100G Ethernet standard.
Much of it is being used to transport subrate links, some of which are derived from even older transport standards.
If not legacy, what word WOULD you use?
I'd start calling it legacy when it's as easy to order from your telco as X.25 would be. I still see Ethernet circuits delivered via OC-3/STM-1 today with an Overture. If you're throwing OC-3 into the legacy bin you might as well call OC-192 and OC-768 legacy as well. Big deal if the standard is old, apparently it's still useful enough that there isn't a replacement yet.
-- Chris Gotstein Sr Network Engineer UP Logon/Computer Connection UP 500 N Stephenson Ave Iron Mountain, MI 49801 Phone: 906-774-4847 Fax: 906-774-0335