From: "Geo." <geoincidents@nls.net> To: <nanog@merit.edu> Subject: Re: Can P2P applications learn to play fair on networks? Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 06:18:01 -0400
The problem is that ISPs work under the assumption that users only use a certain percentage of their available bandwidth, while (some) users work under the assumption that they get to use all their available bandwidth 24/7 if they choose to do so.
My home dsl is 6mb/384k, so what exactly is the true cost of a dedicated 384K of bandwidth? I mean what you say would be true if we were talking
Dunno, but I've got a 3m/384k line for about DSL business class for $105/month. Don't think I can do better pricewise, but...
download but for most dsl up speed is so insignificant compared to downspeed I have trouble believing that the true cost for 24x7 isn't being paid. It's just that some of the cable services are offering more up speed (1mb plus) and so are getting a disproportionate amount of fileshare upload traffic (if a download takes X minutes more is upload by a source on a 1mb upload pipe compared to a 384k upload pipe so the upload totals are greater for the cable isp).
George Roettger Netlink Services
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