I didn't listen this week, but when this first aired (perhaps a year ago or so?), this was a residental billing issue. The person involved may not be employed there anymore, or not in the same group, and likely not able to help with misbilling of dataservices that has happened in the past.
Not only is it quite likely the person isn't there anymore (this is MCI after all) but emailing them would likely be fruitless or would result in a reply along the lines of "Please contact customer service." I actually had MCI residential quickly correct a billing mistake several years back. Was a lot less than $946.36, too.. I wish that I could have enlisted the media when SBC screwed up another T1 installation. I'm batting 0 for 3 with SBC so far, the most interesting one was them testing a circuit clear across town, insisting that it was mine. I'm sure many of you can beat me by miles, though..