A lot of progress has been made since NANOG 51, so I'd like to share this update with the community. * Association management contract We recently completed our RFP and selection process, and have contracted with Association Management Solutions (http://www.amsl.com) to provide association management and meeting support services for NANOG. We are excited to be working with AMS, as they have an excellent set of management and IT services which are very good fits to our needs. AMS might already be familiar to some of our community, as they have providing IETF secretariat services for the past several years. Representatives from AMS will be with us in Denver to observe the conference and meet the community. Over the next couple of months our meeting registration, membership, mailing list and finance systems will be migrated to AMS infrastructure. The transition has already started, and will be completed in time for the start of registration for the NANOG53 meeting. We'll share more details of the transition process as they become available. * NANOG Intellectual Property All of the NANOG intellectual property originated by Merit Network, including the name, domain, logos, mailing lists and archives, have been transferred to NewNOG. This means that we _are_ NANOG! We expect that the interim name "NewNOG" will eventually go away. * Non-profit status NewNOG, Inc. has been recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. (See http://www.newnog.org/docs/IRSletter.pdf for the IRS determination letter.) This means that individual donations might be tax-deductible. * Future conferences Work continues on securing hosts and venues for future NANOG conferences. The current list of future events is at http://www.nanog.org/meetings/future/, and we expect to have the October 2012 meeting ready to announce in the next few weeks. And if you haven't already registered, please plan to join us at NANOG52 in Denver next month! The Program Committee has published a great agenda, and the hotel block is filling fast. The hotel group rate expires on May 29, and the conference registration fee goes up on June 4, so please register soon! More information is at http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog52/. We welcome any questions or comments, and we'll give another update at the community meeting in Denver. For the board, Steve Feldman, chair