The simple answer is that it does not. If you don't specify a session timeout, the session will not timeout. This is how we run our PPPoE services. The protocol and BAS designer does not set the parameter - the network operator does. At 05:10 AM 30/05/2013, Joe wrote:
hi. a question obsessed me for a long time. "why my pppoe connection to internet has a max session time, even if every thing goes ok? " In our DSL access network , max session timeout is set to 4 days, this parameter is sent to BAS by radius server after finishing authenticating procedure. As I know, beside us some other service providers also applied this parameter to pppoe session, the parameter varies from 48 hours to 96 hours. Reading documents of BAS, we found this is default value for session-time on BAS, that means even if radius server does not response BAS with session-timeout attribute BAS will cut pppoe session after sometime. so , why does those BAS designer or protocol designer set such a parameter for pppoe access ? should anyone do me a favor on explaining this ? regards Joe
--- Clayton Zekelman Managed Network Systems Inc. (MNSi) 3363 Tecumseh Rd. E Windsor, Ontario N8W 1H4 tel. 519-985-8410 fax. 519-985-8409