I have tried contacting PALM through their listed contact phone numbers and by email to their postmaster, all to no avail. I am having problems with their SMTP servers being unable to communicate with my domain configured SMTP server using Mxed addessing (ie, to kmedcalf@dessus.com) although sending directly to the mail server (kmedcalf@mail.dessus.com) works correctly. This issue is limited to PALM and their configuration and I cannot duplicate (nor have I ever come across such a misconfiguration anywhere else, ever). Even adding A records directly to the domain record itself does not result in success. I have had no success contacting anyone with clue at palm for about three weeks now despite numerous attempts to do so. Anyone with an internal contact, or if anyone from PALM is here, off-list contact info would be appreciated. (mail sent via PALM SMTP servers will have to be sent to the incorrect -- direct mailbox on the SMTP server -- address kmedcalf@mail.dessus.com or your misconfigured servers will not even attempt to send the message). Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming ... -- () ascii ribbon campaign against html e-mail /\ www.asciiribbon.org