anyone else seeing this?
BGP table version is 7270729, main routing table version 7270729 73487 network entries (235540/419163 paths) using 21848380 bytes of memory 15689 BGP path attribute entries using 2281792 bytes of memory 10269 BGP route-map cache entries using 164304 bytes of memory 19134 BGP filter-list cache entries using 306144 bytes of memory
UUNET was injecting bogus routes into the routing tables (check through a show ip bgp listing for 128.1, 128.2...). The routes were being picked up and redistributed by other ISPs as well. They say they've withdrawn all the routes now, and it will just take some time for the entries to age out of the tables. -- John Caruso, Director, System/Network Administration CNET: The Computer Network Email: 150 Chestnut Street Phone: 415.395.7805 x1310 San Francisco, CA 94111 Fax: 415.623.2458