Hello, This is sort of off-topic, but no where near as much as half of the topics on NANOG. It is relevant to netops for anyone who has a presence in Japan. Does anyone on NANOG have firsthand in-depth knowledge of the electrical system in Japan? I know voltage varies from town to town and prefecture to prefecture. It seems most is 90V-110V. Do most homes and businesses have a single leg or do they have 200-220V available? Are most circuit breakers 15A? Do they use 20A anywhere? What is used in commercial settings? What is the typical service to a home? 60A, 100A, 200A? I have searched, but haven't found enough definitive info to be useful. I am designing some new equipment and Japan is the worst case scenario from a power standpoint because they use such a low line voltage. If my gear works in rocky & mountainous low-voltage Japan, it will work anywhere. Any information or good links would be appreciated. I can't give out any info on the new gear yet until some key IP is protected. It doesn't compete with anything on the market today. Thanks for any help anyone can give. Domo arigato! -Robert "Well done is better than well said." - Benjamin Franklin