* hank@mail.iucc.ac.il (Hank Nussbacher) [Tue 09 Nov 2004, 09:18 CET]:
I think you need to look at one of the authors - Nokia. Perhaps 2001:490::/32 and 3FFE:8130::/28 are not enough for what they have in mind. Perhaps someone from RIPE should sit down with Nokia (and perhaps all the other cell makers) and find out what they truly want and why these IETF drafts solve their problem. Perhaps just giving them what they want (and think they will need) will make this all go away?
I remember a RIPE meeting a few years ago where a BT Cellnet representative seriously asked to become an RIR with an initial /8 allocation for use among mobile operators. If I recall correctly, he was quietly laughed out of the room - and rightly so (as existing RIRs are more than capable of handling any address request they might have). I'm pretty sure Nokia, not being a network operator, has little use for large amounts of address space. For a mobile operator, I assume a standard allocation should be enough; and if not I'm sure the RIR community is reasonable enough to listen to the mobile operator's arguments. -- Niels.