On 12/11/14, 2:53 PM, "Doug Barton" <dougb@dougbarton.us> wrote:
While that offer is noble, and appreciated, as are your other responses on this thread; personally I would be interested to hear more about how customers were notified. Was there a collateral piece included in their bill? Were they e-mailed?
It is a range of tactics. Depending on where someone lives there were traditional media tactics to raise awareness. For example, where I am in Philadelphia I saw video ads in the new SEPTA regional rail trains, saw it printed on on monthly rail passes, and shown on small billboards in stations. I get an electronic bill personally but I would guess people with printed bills very likely got something inside the bill given the other tactics employed. I do know emails were sent regionally (probably 2009 - 2014) as the network went live. This explained the monthly stories in the press, as the news cycle seemed to rediscover this every time we rolled it out further. If you became a customer after it was rolled out, it was a key aspect of marketing to prospective customers (such as on our website) so probably hard to miss.
And are we correct in assuming that this is strictly opt-out?
And is the report that if you opt out with your account that you are not then able to access the service elsewhere correct?
I¹m not 100% sure. I think it is the case that you can use it even if you disable it on your own AP. Jason