Original message <9605110249.AA04557@wisdom.home.vix.com> From: Paul A Vixie <paul@vix.com> Date: May 10, 19:49 Subject: Re: Worldly Thoughts
Quite a few CIX members operate this way. The interesting question in my mind is whether the "big guys" (defaultless nets, for the purposes of this discussion) think that this represents unfair competition or not. -- End of excerpt from Paul A Vixie
This is a _very_ interesting question in light of what I just posted... the CIX has the (odd, these days) feature that peering is mandatory for all, and so large providers don't get to choose whether or not they want to haul traffic across the country for these people. -matthew kaufman matthew@scruz.net ps. We'd already be at CIX if certain providers had more than a T-1's worth of bandwidth available out of there, specifically to take advantage of the "mandatory peering" situation. Heavily-loaded small pipes to interesting places aren't useful, though.