On 12/05/2017 02:59 AM, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
On Mon, Dec 04, 2017 at 07:38:18PM -0500, Eric Tykwinski wrote:
Main point I think is mailops comes with a learning curve, and it happens...
"Current Peeve: The mindset that the Internet is some sort of school for novice sysadmins and that everyone *not* doing stupid dangerous things should act like patient teachers with the ones who are."
--- Bill Cole
Indeed. What Ajit Pai missed in his deliberations for the Dec 14 FCC vote is that the Internet as we know it was developed under the stern eyes of the Department of Defense and the National Science Foundation. The NSF in particular ran the 'Net like bouncers do in a strip club: you break the rules, you go. No argument. The original trust model for the Internet was based on this unrelenting oversight. You didn't expect Bad Things(tm) because the consequences of doing them was so severe: banishment and exile. Also, the technical ability required to do Bad Things(tm) wasn't easily won. Accessing the 'Net was a PRIVILEGE, not a right. Abuse at your own peril. Organizations had experienced sysadmins because it was imperative to the survival of the connection to the 'Net. One gained experience by being apprenticed to some experienced sysadmin. Today: not so much. Indeed, I'm not aware of any certification that applies to system administrators. Network administrators have certs that are well-recognized and accepted. Mail admins? Server admins? The certs that are out there border on jokes or disguised sale pitches. (Not unlike a certain operating system and software product vendor who put "free" copies into schools to build their marketing base.) Ok, I'll shut up now.