On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 11:59:12PM -0400, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
If you're across an ocean from the US, you have to factor in the cost of running underwater cable.
If that is the case, why is it almost the same cost, if not more expensive, to get a LA<>NY OC3 then a NY<>LND STM1?
Depends on the terrain, and the rights of way you might have to purchase, but it's not uncommon for under-sea cable to be cheaper km for km than terrestrial cable. This is especially true in sparsely-populated island countries where target markets are on the coast, and where you can drop in for regen on land to avoid having to do it under the water [1]. I have heard of people ploughing fibre into riverbeds to extend coastal under-sea networks inland, rather than doing conventional in-ground builds. Joe [1] the expensive bits of under-sea deployment are at landing points, and in the shallow waters approaching them. However, powering active optics under the water involves dropping copper into the water to carry DC, and upgrading regen equipment deployed at depth is far more annoying than doing it on land.