what is wrong with this picture? From: "NewsScan" <newsscan@newsscan.com> NewsScan Daily, 15 May 2003 ("Above The Fold") *********************************************************** NewsScan Daily is underwritten by RLG, a world-class organization making significant and sustained contributions to the effective management and appropriate use of information technology. NSD is written by John Gehl and Suzanne Douglas, editors@NewsScan.com. *********************************************************** 'BUFFALO SPAMMER' COULD GET UP TO SEVEN YEARS Howard Carmack, the so-called "Buffalo Spammer," has become the first person in New York state to be charged under the state's identity theft laws. If convicted, he could be sentenced to 2-1/2 to 7 years in prison for identity theft, forgery, criminal possession of forgery devices (in the form of software used to create phony return addresses), and falsifying business records. According to the indictment, Carmack "stole the identities of innocent New Yorkers to spam millions of consumers throughout New York and the nation." He is charged with using 343 stolen identities to send his unsolicited bulk mailings through Earthlink accounts. An Earthlink executive said the main impact of the arrest would be to demonstrate to others the "very high cost of doing business" in spam. (New York Newsday 14 May 2003) http://www.nynewsday.com/business/ny-biz-spammer0514,0,2414486.story?coll=ny... this exemplifies the corporate and legislative attempt to confuse spam == uce with forgery. if they can make the latter the issue, this leaves the way completely clear for unsolicited commercial email from the corporate sector which now fills our post boxes with ground trees. randy