
Cable Cos do this in several ways.

Enabled hot spot on the cable provider cpe with separate ssid, sometimes the same channel sometimes dedicated radio and channel (I prefer the same channel as many areas have way too much noise). This hotspot service is using it's own docsis channels and generally a tunnel.

Also many are installing wire or poll mounted access points for outdoor coverage. These are not using anything at a customer location.


On November 20, 2020 4:26:33 PM MST, Rod Beck <rod.beck@unitedcablecompany.com> wrote:
Hey Gang,

How do the cable companies generally deliver this service? A friend insists it piggybacks off the WIFI radios of existing cable company subscribers. In other words, the cable company WIFI router in a flat is providing both a private link for the flat's subscriber, but also a public hotspot service.

I concede it is possible, but I am skeptical that the high quality of hotspot service we get here in Budapest could be achieved that way.

Roderick Beck

VP of Business Development

United Cable Company


New York City & Budapest


Budapest: 36-70-605-5144

NJ: 908-452-8183


Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.