On 22/01/18 20:05, Mike Hammett wrote:
I much prefer using WDM transport as opposed to Ethernet\VPLS transport due to it being significantly harder (I try not to say impossible) to oversubscribe. That said, it isn't always available at a decent rate at a given location.
Cogent has a reputation (right or wrong) for running things a little hot.
Have any of you used Cogent Ethernet\VPLS services? What are you experiences? Offlist is fine if you don't want it public.
Never use them without a backup alternative. I've seen more outages, that one would want to ever see from a provider, that would like to be categorised as Tier1. Especially, when some of these are longer than expected, because there were no cold-spares in the country and the cold-spare needed missed the flight. /M -- Airwire Ltd. - Ag Nascadh Pobail an Iarthair http://www.airwire.ie Phone: 091-395 000 Registered Office: Moy, Kinvara, Co. Galway, 091-395 000 - Registered in Ireland No. 508961