The intent here is to do the following:
1) Alert the real sender if we can reasonably reach the person. 2) Alert the relay owner if they were relayed through without knowing about it (and pressure them to fix it - pronto!) 3) If we can't do either right away, toss the bounce on the floor on the premise that its better to give up than keep screwing around and clog up the pipeline.
What do the rest of you here think? Option (1) doesn't look very sound; the fight right now is between (2) and (3).
In my opinion, if you fix the relay problem to about 75%, the rest of the relays will get fixed or die, due to the spam volume, then one you solve the relaying problem, someone has to transmit all the messages themselves, which greatly lengths the time to detect them, and makes the cost of spamming go up. (It also allows IP based blocking to work better.) --- Jeremy Porter, Freeside Communications, Inc. PO BOX 80315 Austin, Tx 78708 | 1-800-968-8750 | 512-458-9810