Here's a piece of mail I just got forwarded to me by a customer, originally written by someone at "". I wonder who at MCI is so incredibly misinformed about small ISPs, to the point of denigrating them?
I met with the regional direction for networkMCI services last week. One of the issues discussed was scruz-net.
They are not a true Mae-west peer, meaning their only connection to the internet is through the Mae-west FDDI ring. Even worse, the only company who has agreed to peer with them (accept any traffic) is MCI.
Thus, all scruz net traffic must enter and exit through the MCI router, even if bound for another peer on the ring such as Sprint or PSI-net.
This was a mistake created by a single person at the internic, who didn't realize fully the ramification of having a non-nationwide network peering into mae-west. (all other peers at the mae's and nap's touch each other at multiple cross-over points)
For the curious, our 7505 at MAE-West peers with 15 other NSPs/ISPs who are there, and since we don't buy transit from MCI the _only_ traffic that enters the MCI router is traffic for their customers. Anybody at MCI who is interested in educating their "regional directors" about how the technology actually works might want to do so soon. -matthew kaufman