On 23 Jul 2008, at 18:30, Joe Greco wrote:
So, I have to assume that I'm missing some unusual aspect to this attack. I guess I'm getting older, and that's not too shocking. Anybody see it?
Perhaps what you're missing can be found in the punchline to the transient post on the Matasano Security blog ("Mallory can conduct this attack in less than 10 seconds on fast Internet link"). Being able to divert users of a particular resolver (who thought they were going to paypal, or their bank, or a government web page to file their taxes, or, or, etc) to the place of your choosing with less than a minute's effort seems like cause for concern to me. Luckily we have the SSL/CA architecture in place to protect any web page served over SSL. It's a good job users are not conditioned to click "OK" when told "the certificate for this site is invalid". Joe