On 5/9/2011 8:16 AM, Arie Vayner wrote:
What disturbs me is the piece saying "We recommend disabling IPv6<http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=ArHGqIAYvt_4fpp3N3vLzmNRJ3tG/SIG=11vv8jc1f/**http%3A//help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/ipv6/general/ipv6-09.html> ", with a very easy link...
And I was just sent this link from our very own NSA: http://www.nsa.gov/ia/_files/factsheets/macosx_10_6_hardeningtips.pdf Disable IPv6 and AirPort when Not Needed Open the Network pane in System Preferences. For every network interface listed: • If it is an AirPort interface but AirPort is not required, click "Turn AirPort off." • Click "Advanced." Click on the TCP/IP tab and set "Configure IPv6:" to "Off" if not needed. If it is an AirPort interface, click on the AirPort tab and enable "Disconnect when logging out." Matthew Kaufman