I would expect that some of the affected cables have lost dc power used to drive repeaters and amplifiers (10 kv d.c.) from their landing stations. Or that is at least the hope at this time. The WSJ today published a superb article along with a unusually detailed global route map. See intro along with some comments concerning the route map (tinyurl): -- Quake Damages Undersea Cables, Disrupting Internet Service in Asia By JASON DEAN December 27, 2006 2:36 p.m. [FAC: Assuming the link below works, the article below contains an excellent global view of what looks like most, if not all, of the major submarine cable routes around the world in use today. It's a keeper, IMO, so I suggest downloading it to your HD. Here's the pdf, which is probably subject to the same shelf life constraint: http://tinyurl.com/ya45oo ] BEIJING -- A big earthquake near Taiwan disrupted phone and Internet traffic across Asia Wednesday, highlighting the fragility of a global telecommunications system that still relies on vulnerable undersea cables to carry data. The magnitude 6.7 temblor that struck late Tuesday off Taiwan's southern coast cut several fiber-optic cables that carry communications traffic through a key nexus in Asia, connecting Hong Kong and Southeast Asia with Japan and, ultimately, North America. Continued at: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB116719850925860370.html?mod=djemTECH Enjoy! On Thu Dec 28 0:35 , Jared Mauch sent:
On Thu, Dec 28, 2006 at 04:55:25AM +0000, Gaurab Raj Upadhaya wrote:
Information seems to suggest that these all have one or other faults due to the earthquake. Some probably have more serious problems then others.
SMW3 (Sea-me-we 3). FNAL and FEA (FLAG North Asia Loop) ; RNAL = Reach North Asia Loop APCN2 (Asia Pacific Network 2)
C2C - Singtel's coast to coast EAC = East Asia Crossing (EAC)
Traffic is gradually coming back through ad-hoc setups and re-routes, but cable providers are saying minimum 3 weeks for full recovery.
I've wondered how many boats/subs exist for these repairs and if attempting to do them all in parallel is going to be a big problem. With 6 systems having outages, it will be interesting to see when various paths/systems come back online and if there is a gating factor in underseas repair gear being available in the region.
- jared
-- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.