i see lots of hardware failures. one particular problem i have noted is just kind of a bad case layout. the network card sits in a little pci riser card and is also bolted to the back of the case. it likes to unseat itself over time. eventually the MB dies. i'm not sure if one has anything to do with the other but i suspect it does because if i pull the screws out of the network card and just let it sti in the pci riser it doesnt unseat itself and the box tends to live a bit longer. but yes. i have more failures of akamai boxes on my network then anything by a long shot. chalk it up to cheap hardware i guess. On Mon, 28 Nov 2005, Roy wrote:
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 10:39:51 -0800 From: Roy <garlic@garlic.com> To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Akamai server reliability
Many moons ago, we got a set of Akamai servers. Over the years I think they replaced every one of them at least once. Last August we got a another set of servers due to a move and now two of those three servers have failed.
I still have the original server that started garlic.com in production after 11+ years so I know servers can last a long time. I don't understand why Akamai failure rates are so high
Is anyone else seeing high failure rates of Akamai servers at their facilities?
Ryan Dobrynski Hat-Swapping Gnome Choice Communications (\_/) (O.o) (> < ) this is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.